What the possibility of receiving a transfusion with mRNA-uncontaminated blood in Canada and the rest of the world? Watch this interview with SafeBlood team leader Canada, Sammy LeBlanc, and SafeBlood…
Tältä sivulta voit lukea erityisesti Suomea koskevia asioita.
Nykytilanne Suomessa
Suomalaisiin sairaaloihin veri toimitetaan yleensä Suomen Punaisen Ristin Veripalvelun kautta, jolloin saat todennäköisimmin rokotetun verta, koska he ovat luovuttajien enemmistönä ja Veripalvelu ei merkitse erikseen millaiselta luovuttajalta veri on saatu. Kuten kotisivumme alareunassa ja tämän sivun alareunassa on selvästi todettu: Suomessa ei ole vielä yhtään paikkaa, joka takaisi rokottamattoman veren päätymisen sellaiselle potilaalle, joka erityisesti haluaa rokottamattoman verta, koska luovuttajan rokotusstatus ei merkitse mitään Veripalvelulle. Toistaiseksi Suomessa ei siis ole yhtään klinikkaa, jossa saisi luovuttaa omaansa tai haluamansa luovuttajan verta. Tätä vastaan me taistelemme.
Päivitykset ja uutiset:
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It’s time to step out of the shadows, so you might come across one or two of our videos this year.
Mondays with Michael is a weekly show with the amazing naturopath Michael Gaeta. George Della Pietra is again his guest on the show (aired on Vimeo), and has a lot…
This is how we make directed donations (from a person of your trust) possible in Italy. Simply by threatening them with a law suit. In Italy this works well, in…
Safeblood was a guest in two shows of Dr. Michael Gaeta’s “Mondays with Michael”, with totally over 3 hours air time. The first interview was with Safeblood’s Media Director Clinton…
Clinton Ohlers, media director at SafeBlood, was Del Bigtree’s guest on his show “The Highwire“, on October 19, 2023. You can watch the show following this link: https://thehighwire.com/watch/ Or watch…
We have had good experience with this method, especially in Italy. We know that nothing works without pressure if we want to avoid mRNA-contaminated transfusion. So the following procedure is…
“And the Oscar goes to…” – not quite. But it is of course nice to be nomiated for the American Liberty Awards. Safeblood has been nominated for the American…
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson has an amazing daily TV show, and guests in this episode are Sammy Monahan, team leader safeblood Canada, and George Della Pietra, Founder of safeblood international, talking…
In this episode of TishTalk, The host speaks with grieving mother Sammy Monaghan, who is also our team leader in Canada (SafeBlood Canada). Her son Luc, was born with a…